Thursday, March 26, 2015

Missing the Retreat

I've been having a major flare. Well it feels majorm im in constant pain, of course cant stay out of the bathroom and I have zero appetite. Im drinking a lot but it all messes with my stomach and feez dont dare I eat even a bite a day :(

My small group at church is going on their retreat this weekend to the lake. Crohn's told me I cant go.  It sucks. I was looking forward to it big time. But how can I go sleep in a cabin with 10 people when im using the bathroom every 10min, weak from not eating, and yeah cant you picture me up until 4 or 5am and theyre getting up a few hours later smh.  The logistics dont work out. So thanks for stopping me once again crohn's.  I honestly feel its better than going and being miserable. I'll stay home and make special plans with my bestie :) she always knows how to lift my spirits when im down or in a flare. She gets it. And THATS what I need!