Thursday, November 22, 2012


Ok so I went to the ER last Thursday morning. Turns out I needed emergency gallbladder surgery. Soooo wasn't expecting that! It was very enlarged and inflamed with adema and scarring from previous infections and issues. My fevers didn't go away after surgery so they put me on vancomycin and flagyll and kept me until Tuesday to make sure my fevers were going away. So far so good. Just gotta keep being safe and taking these antibiotics!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

2 months since infusion

I'm in a lot of pain and even though I was able to eat some spaghettios today, I'm still nauseous. They're putting me back on flagyll in case it's the c diff but a virus has been going around so idk. I haven't been around any sick people but who knows. I'm also super super super dizzy. I'm getting a blood transfusion tomorrow so hopefully ill feel better after that. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Almost 2 months post transfusion

Well I'm getting over the c diff. My stomach pain is completely gone!!! I'm still experiencing some mild diarrhea but its most likely a side effect from my meds. My PCP has increased the meds for my heart palpitations and prescribed me something to increase my appetite since my appetite is nonexistent at this point. I have only eaten a small order of curly fries in the last 3 days. I've lost 20lbs, which I'm not totally mad about lol but this isn't the right way to lose weight. I only take half a pain killer a day now and thts for my back! Not my Crohn's!! Yay!! Other than that the only thing I have to worry about is my hemoglobin. It's dropping and if it doesn't start increasing I will need a blood transfusion. So lets pray about that!!