Thursday, December 21, 2017

Inflammation All Over

I had bloodwork done at my rheumatologist the other day and my counts are definitely showing inflammation and I am not surprised.

My joints have been killing me. My stomach is in pain. My eyes are throbbing. I have to go to the eye doctor asap!

Will update when i get answers!

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Christmas Update

I have been feeling so so lately. I have had some pain during my cold even though i wasn't taking any meds. But im feeling better now.

My arthritis is KILLING me. I can barely move my elbows and wrists...some days, my entire arm.

But other than that, i am good to go!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Not again

My heart has been broken and now im experiencing severe anxiety, stress, and depression.

As we all know, that also comes with a crohns flare up.

Unlike other people who get a nervous stomach when they're upset, i have to worry about more longterm effects.

Needless to say, i hate this disease

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Uneventful is What I Worked For

I haven't been posting as much because my life has become rather uneventful. As I was preparing to go to bed, it hit me. I worked hard for this lifestyle. Heck, I worked hard for life.

My life may be boring and mediocre now but I wouldn't have it any other way!

For over 13 years, my life has been Hell. I was raped twice. I withstood verbal, sexual and physical abuse from a boyfriend for 5 years. I survived his attempted murder. I was diagnosed with Crohn's and fought hard to get better, when really I was fighting a losing battle. I was dying when I went through a stem cell transplant over 600 miles from home. Almost died during that as well. I have suffered anxiety, panic disorder, PTSD,  and suicide attempts.

It's been a long, difficult journey but look at me now. I'm overall pretty healthy, I'm the happiest I have ever been, and I am stronger in my faith more than ever before.

Because of the difficulties, I can now celebrate all my wins, regardless of size. I celebrate being able to go to the beach without rushing to find a bathroom.  I celebrate walking around in the park with no pain. I celebrate not having to worry if I'm going to survive my next beating.  I even celebrate getting to eat grapes without winding up in a hospital bed.

Life may be ordinary and uneventful, but, man, it's amazing!!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

ER Visit: Nothing New

I'm at the ER for the first time since December 2016. I've been having increasing pain in my right side. Originally, I went to urgent care because I figured it was a flare up and i didnt feel like the ER wait. But it was too late in the day for them to do imaging so the doctor there urged me to go to the ER...even called ahead and sent notes.

5 hours later, I was finally given pain meds. He gave me Nubain, which I have never had before. Have any of you ever heard of it?? Now that he says he's suspecting a flare up, I'm just waiting for discharge. You all know how pain management is for dose isnt going to do any good but asking for more makes us look bad. Smh. I hate going to the ER for this very reason. I would rather sit at home and suffer than be made to feel bad because I asked for something for the pain. I mean really...look at my medical history! You can clearly see I'm not an addict, I'm actually sick!

Sorry! Rant over!! Lol

Being prescribed more steroids. Even though i dont think theyll help the crohns, I have some respiratory issues going on too so I think they'll help there.

Will update you all soon!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Just Another Crohnie Day

I finished the Rowasa a month ago. i don't feel any different but my inflammation (C reactive protein went from a 6.8 to a 2.9) has gone down. i still have diarrhea and it's making me really sore!

I have spinal arthritis and the pain has been unbearable for the last year. so bad i had to quit the gym, i couldnt stand to cook, i couldnt even bend over to tie my shoes. About a month ago i was referred to a pain specialist and he injected nerve blockers in to my spine. my arthritis doctor is giving me steroid shots in my hips for bursitis (might be why my crp went down).  i feel soooooo good now! i even rejoined the gym! he hasn't gotten the stelara approved (hasn't been trying either) but he gave me samples last week so i could start it. im hoping that gives him the push to work on insurance approval!

i took a Pound class...dancing with drumsticks..this week and was a WORKOUT! I made the mistake of doing the same day as my steroid shots so i was HURTING! but it was a blast and awesome cardio so im going back for sure!

I've been trying to eat healthier. It's bot easy when healthy foods make you sick...thanks a lot crohn's! but im doing my best!

thats all for now! updates coming soon!

Friday, January 13, 2017


I haven't started the Rowasa yet. I will today. Hoping itll help with the inflammation and ulcer! But im nervous because Rowasa is also known as Mesalmine...the active ingredient in 5-Asas...which im allergic to. The doctor said my body should react to it differently as an enema than orally.  Crossing my fingers!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Colonoscopy 2017

I welcomed the new year with a colonoscopy! I have some inflammation and an ulcer in my rectum. My doctor is putting me on Rowasa enemas so lets pray it helps!