Saturday, March 7, 2015

Insomnia Overload

So I ran out of my ambien because ive needed more of it to sleep lately. So I havent had it in a week and a half and I havent slept at night since I ran out. My doctor put me on something new called Belsomra but ive doubled the dosage and NOTHING.  Im not falling asleep until 8am every day/night, whatever you want to call it.  And then im sleeping off and on for a few hours, horribly, and then im wide awake again. So im incredibly sleep deprived. I have to wait until Monday to reach my doctor again. I dont know how much longer I can handle this. To top it off, my appetite has been nonexistent,  my stomach is very upset, my head is killing me and im super stressed. I know if I got some rest, id be better. At least id be able to deal with the other issues. But for now, im just too exhausted.  I give up

Its 5:01am...ive been trying to go to sleep for 4 hours now. I've really given up at this point. There's no point stressing over it when I know it wont happen for a few more hours anyway. Ugh!!! Sucks so bad