Saturday, August 15, 2015

New Device for IBD

THIS SMART DEVICE GIVES YOU A 10-MINUTE WARNING THAT YOU MAY NEED A TOILET By Kenny Ong in New Products on Thursday 12 March 2015 Triple W is a Japanese startup based in California that has developed a nifty wearable device to predict your bowel movements and give you a 10-minute notice to find a toilet soon. Called D Free, the device is attached to your stomach and connected to an app on your smartphone. The sensors in the device can detect movement or swelling in your intestines and send a notification to your smartphone to warn you that within about 10 minutes, you should find yourself a vacant toilet. The app also records your bowel movements throughout the day to track your daily habits so as to give you even more accurate notifications in the future. Triple W predicts that D Free will be most relevant to folks who suffer from incontinence. It would also be welcomed by people in wheelchairs or with limited mobility, giving them ample time to find a toilet. In nursing homes, the device could cue busy staff on when to help their patients in such matters. Triple W is planning to raise production funds at crowdfunding sites. The company hopes to ship it to customers in the U.S. in May and Japan by December. It is priced at $US200 for now but Triple W hopes they can bring the price down to $US50 when they are able to mass produce it. After all, it is a matter of utmost urgency to some. Via Oddity Central