Friday, October 3, 2014

Sometimes any answer is best

The doctor can't explain why I slept the way I did and cant remember those several days. He's sending me another neurologist. This is frustrating. People keep saying well no news is good news. Forget that!! To a sick person, no news means no answers means I have to stay sick because they can't fix it! This is no way to live. Don't get me wrong, this is waayyy better than pre transplant.  But daily diarrhea,  vomiting, extreme fatigue,  and constant pain is not fun. And it's not normal! But it looks like I have no choice but to make it normal ugh.

I read an article about the effects of Crohn's disease on the brain and how it causes migraines and memory loss after about 10 years after onset of the disease.  Which I where I am (I was diagnosed 7 years ago,  but I was sick for several years prior to actually going to a doctor). I will find the article and post it on a separate post! It's so interesting and I think all of us crohnies and our caregivers need to read it and give it to your GI! It may actually explain my problems and my doctors are oblivious!  I'm plnning on taking to my gi, neurologist,  and oncologist.  I will let you know their feedback! :)