Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 9

I shaved my hair off today. It wasn't as emotional as I anticipated. I'm coping well. The pain has been better today. Lots of diarrhea last night with soooo much pain but today has been much more manageable. They switched my picc line because they suspected an infection in it. They're doing stool tests now for more research as to where this infection is coming from. I'm on tons of antibiotics still that will cover all areas of my body. I'm taking two neupogen shots a day to increase my white blood cells.

The doctor says I'm doing really well an they expect discharge this week. My appetite is still crummy but I get like that in hospitals. I eat better at home. But my Crohns symptoms seem better. I feel like I'm feeling more of the transplant side effects right now. But time will tell !