Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 5: still neutropenic

I am so sorry I haven't updated recently. Ever since the day before my transplant day, I was feeling so weak and nauseas and in a good bit of abdominal pain. The pain meds I had been getting were making me worse. So when I realized that, I had them take me off everything but Norco which helps a lot more.

The day before my transfusion, I started getting these bad abdominal cramps and I'd sit on the toilet for forever in writhing pain and nothing would come out. This has continued. They gave me a laxative for the first time the other day. And now, while its still sooo very painful, it's regulating to once or twice a day. The nausea is getting much better and I'm able to sleep again.

Day 0: September 13, 2012 10:18am I had my 2nd birthday. They brought the cells in Luke something from a movie, steam and all lol they blessed the cells (my choice) and started the infusion. They came in a small bag that looked like blood. The second they went in I tasted creamed corn, started breathing heavy and started vomiting through the entire thing. But Dr Burt was in the room with me and in 30min it was all done. I was pretty suck for the next two days but I'm gradually getting better.

It's now Day 5 and I'm full of energy with the occasional pain and nausea and a few other issues...needed 2 blood transfusions, one platelet transfusion, a couple bad fevers, and I have a lot of blood in my urine. So they're monitoring me and as soon as my counts go up, I go home!! Yay!!  Just be praying this really works and I'm gonna be better than I can remember being!