Friday, October 21, 2011

rough week

i had a really rough week. tuesday night i spent the entire night throwing  up and with ongoing fevers and chills. i woke up unable to swallow. everything was burning.

i went to a regular followup appoint with my gi dr thursday and he sent me straight to the hospital to be admitted to receive tpn..where im fed through an iv. im also receiving iv steroids and pain and nausea meds. there might also be ablood transfusion to help build that back up.

the dr let me eat low residue solid food today..just a little so we will like to keep giving it arest and not overdo  it. im not going back to work. i have an advocate doing my medicaid and disability claims so thats a relief in a way.

they just gave me the nausea meds they give chemo patientsn its makin me a little sleepy.

another note im going to chicago dec 19 to 21 to northwestern to evaluate me for a stem cell transplant