Saturday, October 6, 2012

First good day in a looonnnnngggg time!!

I saw a PCP yesterday and she did an EKG. There is a part of it that showed narrowing but both her and a cardiologist didn't see any concern in it. She said my rapid heart beat, dizziness and difficulty breathing could be one a several things including anxiety, withdrawals from the drastic decrease in pain meds, or a thyroid issue caused by my other meds. She prescribed me something for the palpitations and I am feeling sooooo much better. Also the pain has decreased significantly over the last couple if days. Yay!!! And I'm down to using the bathroom once a day! No bleeding. No nausea. I'm tired but I'm still recovering. And that paired with my loss of appetite have been the only problems I've had today so that's good in my book!

Today was the uga vs Carolina game so I cooked and watched the game at home. My family has been a great support system during all of this. You know who hasn't talked to me in months. But I have bigger things on my mind, like getting healthy, moving on, and serving the higher purpose God has for me. He's working in me for sure and He has huge plans for me yet!! Can't wait to get better, get back to church, get back to mission work and loving the best man of all, God!!