Sunday, September 7, 2014

TIA plus anxiety equals NUMB

I did have a mild TIA. Basically a "mini stroke". Fortunately, they clear up on their own but they are warning signs of a more serious stroke, which is why it's important to check for clots and neurological damage.  I had a CT scan of my brain and all is good! So no worries there! Anxiety just made it a little worse. In case you didn't know,  anxiety can cause numbness and tingling in your hands and feet. But they have me some pain meds and sent me home and I'm doing fine now. I officially can feel my left arm again lol

Now I just finished watching the rest of Robocop with Tim and am currently in the middle of Transcendence. I leave for Chicago tomorrow evening so we are getting in as much quality time as we can for tonight.  He goes to work at 1pm tomorrow and I won't see him again until he picks me up from the airport Thursday morning :( im going to miss him. Crazy how only a few days away from the one you love feels like eternity!  I know, corny! Lol

The doctors in Chicago were supposed to provide funding for 2 nights while I'm there.  However, there are no available rooms. I suggested last week I would stay near the airport and travel via teain in to town each day. ..well they never booked the room!! There is now literally only one hotel room left!! And it's in Elk Grove!  Outside of Chicago!! I had to book it myself and am basically going to demand reimbursement.  I don't see why they wouldn't since they were going to fund 2 nights anyway and I booked an even cheaper hotel.  Any suggestions on how I should go about this with them?? I sent an email to Dr. Burt's go to person so say a prayer it all works out!

Off to finish the movie and get some sleep! God bless everyone and goodnight!