Thursday, September 11, 2014

2 year Followup Complete

I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday. I decided to do something for myself after Dr. Burt kind of upset me in my appointment.  He basically said since my Crohn's is in remission then the pain is in my head and im hoping to be sick. He said I tried to say I have lymphoma and reoccurring crohns. ..let me get this straight as I did with him...I have lymphocytocis,  elevated lymphocytes.  I went through 3..I repeat THREE bone marrow biopsies.  Who would WANT that???? Who would want to be tested for cancer??? I know I didn't!  And I know I was glad as hell when it came back negative!  And im glad as hell their ct scan showed no crohn's! ! I mean really! ! I have pain. I get sick. I have fybromyalgia and other health issues, he didn't treat those. He needs to remember that. It's a crappy, and invisible disease.  And my Crohn's is NOT cured. Im in remission but I do still have symptoms.  Not bad and not often and I thank God for that healing!!

Ok! Well I saw the psychologist he sent me to and she was incredible!  She didnt make me feel stupid or ignored! She really inspired me! :)

Im boarding the plane home so I have to go but I will post later! You MUST see pics from the art institute!