Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Only a week a way from my 2nd...second birthday

Im almost at my 2 year anniversary of my stem cell transplant aka my 2nd second birthday! :)

And....drums roll.....still in remission!! No active Crohns!!! It feels as if I have never had it and while a part of me fears ever being so close to that emotion,  another part of me knows I never will be that close to it...with all the other million problems I get to have...being sick is a way of life lol

They're narrowing it down to a post transplant related lymphocytocis. And basically as long as my symptoms are being controlled,  they won't do anything else. Of course, being controlled and being gone are two different things.  Living with nonstop night sweats gets to be my life. Vomiting up everything I eat that is controlled with really strong meds that make me unable to drive, walk, talk or pay attention...that gets to be my life. Sounds glamorous.

But im engaged now to the same man who spent every day by my side during chemo and has never stopped loving me despite my lovely health problems and all the pills,  and side effects and hospital visits and doctors appointments and random plan cancellations from being sick. He loves me through it and for that I am forever grateful. I pray every day he will be able to continue to understand and deal well with the adjustments made to our lives and our relationship that others might not have to make. And I thank God for placing such a selfless heart in my life to love me. <3

I go to the hospital tomorrow for iron infusions,  while I still have bronchitis that im suspecting as followed its usual course straight on in to pneumonia.  So maybe seeing a doctor about that too. I will keep you posted!! Seriously going to start writing more! It's a lot like therapy...very free therapy ;)