Friday, September 5, 2014

A little down

I'm not going to lie. I'm a little down today. I slept straight through my GI appointment so I didn't get to see them. However I'm going to see the GI in Chicago Tuesday so I will know more then hopefully.

I'm a little bugged by the fact it has spread. But I'm more frustrated at the multiple comments on how the transplant didn't work. IT WORKED! My large intestine is still doing great. It's been 2 years of inactive Crohn's.  Since, 2 years ago I could barely walk and lived in the hospital,  I'd say that's pretty awesome. And where my Crohn's was so active is now inactive so IT WORKED.  And people keep saying, "but I thought it cured you, I thought the crohn's was gone". Unfortunately,  as of yet, there is no cure. And just like any other incurable disease, remission can only be temporary and even if your active locations stay inactive, crohn's is known to spread. I came to terms with that a long time ago. The day I was diagnosed,  I knew this would be forever. I never thought it would have gotten as bad as it did, but that's life! And God let me go through this for a reason.  And like my family has said, at least this time it's the lesser of evils and I can take meds again and this time they have a chance to work. And i caught it early so its ok. Phew! That needed to get out! :)

I want to thank my wonderful Mom, grandmother, sister, fiance and good crohnie Aly for being so supportive! You guys get it and I appreciate that more than you know! It's my body, Ive got to live with it and all of your love and support and encouragement is what gets me through! I love you!!