Saturday, February 11, 2012

Need advice

i finished the book "The Chair" today. couldnt put it down til it was was so good. i definitely recommend everyone reading was an awesome combination of inspiration and suspense..kept me guessing which i love..its no fun when its predictable. i wish life was like that. i think id prefer it if life was a little more predictable..i hate not knowing. im still waiting to hear from Jon, he always avoids talking to people if he feels he has to confront his own behavior or has to discuss his future& what he has to do..or if its not when HE feels like talking..kind of annoying when people cant see that its not all about themselves all the time. part of life is doing something that may be uncomfortable or on someone elses time in order to keep healthy relationships. unfortunately some people will grow old or die alone because they only see this world as their world..not OUR world. the book i just finished was also about relationships with each other so its suiting that im experiencing some of what the theme of my book was.

as for my health, today was just another day..the c diff is still hitting me strong so im staying nauseas and in pain but it could be worse. i pretty much have bad days and worse days and every now and then a good minute or two. so i would categorize today as a bad day,not a worse one.