Saturday, February 11, 2012

blogging app mishap

i couldnt sleep again..woke up around 7am and downloaded a blogging app and while ican see my blog i cant seem to get it linked to the app properly..anyone know how to do this stuff??

im going to california to see my husband for a while. i leave next nervous though..nothing is set up.we dont even have water and i have to be in a sterile environment so im wondering whether jons going to step up and get it together for me. i feel pretty alone in this journey with him. i cant even seem to get him on the phone. its pretty disappointing but ive had bigger disappointments with men before..i think its another plight of i know i ask for alot of prayers but im asking not sure he sees that he has a family now& isnt living just for himself anymore. i want god to be in his heart and guide him in everything he does. guidance would be good for i wrong?

i would love to know if youre reading the blog so please leave comments
id love to hear your advice,feedback, opinions anad prayer requests so i can return the favor of your support!  also, please share my blog with others..especially if you know someone with crohn's disease or someone who is going through a rough time. im going to really get into my blog and plan to share alot of inspirational info! thanks you!