Sunday, November 9, 2014

Herbs and Supplements For Crohn's Disease

Herbs and Supplements to Treat Crohn’s Disease

Written by Stephanie Faris 
Published on March 2, 2012
Medically Reviewed by George Krucik, MD

These days, modern medicine often involves a combination of medicine and natural remedies, with many in the medical community eschewing the claims of ‘snake oil salesmen’ that certain remedies work. However, there’s no denying that herbs and supplements can be of great benefit to our overall health and well-being. For those suffering from various ailments, sometimes these herbs and supplements provide a more natural way to find relief.

For Crohn’s patients, hope comes in the form of achieving and maintaining remission as long as possible. Since there is currently no known cure for the autoimmune disorder, the most that many Crohn’s sufferers can hope for is to remain symptom-free as long as possible. While there are several chemical ways to achieve this, some Crohn’s patients are turning to alternative medicine to alleviate their symptoms.


One remedy that has been researched in Germany is Boswellia, a type of tree that has been used to treat asthma, inflammation, anddepression. The German study compared Boswellia to the popular Crohn’s treatment mesalazine with similar results. Boswellia is sold in health food stores as a dietary supplement.


Turmeric, a ginger-related spice found in curry, was found to have the ability to reduce inflammation in laboratory rats. In addition to its anti-inflammatory abilities, turmeric also has antibacterial elements, which may help fight infection in Crohn’s patients.

Green Tea

?Green tea is popular across the world. While health enthusiasts have long touted the many health benefits of green tea over the years, its effects on the bowels and colon are still being researched. For Crohn’s patients, green tea may help reduce inflammation and risk of colon cancer.


Marshmallow is more than just a sweet white dessert you roast over the fire. An herb called marshmallow that comes from the marshmallow plant has been tapped for use in treating Crohn’s disease. Primarily used to sooth tissues during healing, marshmallow is thought to reduce inflammation in Crohn’s patients, and the root’s polysaccharides are believed to protect the lining of the stomach, reducing stomach acids.


N-acetylglucosamine has been linked to success in treating autoimmune disorders, in some tests inhibiting T-helper cells. More tests are needed to determine N-acetylglucosamine’s role in helping reduce symptoms in Crohn’s patients.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D, a staple in many multivitamin supplements on the market, has actually been connected to treatment of Crohn’s disease. The problem, some researchers say, is that a vitamin D deficiency is believed to contribute to the disease, so by adding vitamin D back into the diet, Crohn’s patients may help minimize symptoms and aid in the immune system. Since Crohn’s is an autoimmune malfunction, providing a boost to your body’s immune system can be a bonus.


While you’re at it, find a supplement that offers a hefty dose of B12, as well. B12 helps boost your body’s red cell count and prevents anemia. Iron can also help ensure your blood cells are as healthy as possible.

Whether you choose a mostly natural treatment or use natural treatment as a supplement, plenty of natural herbs and supplements exist to treat Crohn’s, most of which are easy and inexpensive. With so many choices, it might be worth trying one or two to see what effect it has on your symptoms.

However, you should consult your doctor before starting any of these treatments, as they may interfere with your medication or you may have an unknown allergy to these substances.