Sunday, November 16, 2014

Crohn's VS Me

I feel like this flare up is beating me and I refuse to let it win. I'm in a difficult position.  My fiance has court in the morning,  2 hrs away. Crohnies know how bad that is. For those of you who don't,  long drives with long distances between bathrooms are the most dreaded tasks. He supports me and my illness so much, even when it inconveniences him and I am always there for him. He wants me there so bad for support and I want to be there. But my Crohn's wants something else. I don't know what to do. I dont want the crohns to win. Its not fair. Im going to do my best to go with him. I cant let gim down, hes not sick, why should he have to suffer the consequences of MY disease??? I dont even care about myself and how im feeling. I only care about being there for him. So im sending a message to my crohns. ...BEHAVE! YOU WON'T WIN THIS ONE!!!

Please say a prayer tonight that it calms down enough for one day, just one day!!