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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

My 4th Re-Birthday

Today is the 4 year anniversary of my stem cell transplant! Happy 2nd birthday to me! Like a 4 year old in a 29 year old's body! Lol. It's been a long journey but I have been so blessed. Before my transplant, I wasn't going to live another year or 2. I was severely malnourished and had been bleeding internally for years and years. I wasn't responding to anything, getting worse every day. I could barely walk because of the pain. I was running 104 degree fevers every day. Surgery wouldn't have helped. Just as my doctors were throwing their hands up, I did my own research and found the stem cell transplant study at Northwestern Hospital...over 600 miles from home. I was there 9 months later. My sister was a perfect match and I took my stem cells well! Chemo was exhausting. I was so weak I couldn't lift a fork to feed myself. But after 28 days, I was finally able to go home and start my recovery! I have good days and bad days but I am so much better than before! I am so thankful! If I had the choice, I would do it all over again!