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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 11

Well I was hoping to go home today but I'm not quite there yet. We will see about tomorrow. My platelets are right where they need to be to go home but they want to be sure they're continuing to rise before sending me home. Plus my white cell counts are at 0.8 and they need to be at 1.0. I'm taking neupogen shots still so they should be up in the next couple of days.

I've barely had any nausea or pain. I'm only using the bathroom a couple times a day. It's loose but they said its most likely because of all the anti rejection and anti viral meds. I feel good. I'm just exhausted. My body has been put through the ringer and I'm feeling it. I think once I'm home with my family in my own house and in my own bed, I'm going to feel amazing!

Amy, Dr Burt's nurse, just discussed my discharge instructions with me which is exciting because it means I'm almost done and I've made it through!

On a different note, my blog was featured on's Top 11 Crohns Blogs of 2012! How exciting!! They specifically mentioned my positive outlook despite my condition and that seriously brought tears to my eyes. I knew I was going through this for a higher purpose of reaching others and that confirmed it for me! That made all of my struggles worth it because someone is reading and someone is getting something from it. God is so good!