Monday, August 6, 2012

Pre transplant testing

Today was the first day of my pre transplant testing. Today I had a pulmonary function test, EKG, cheat X-ray, labs, echocardiogram, and a GI appointment. I told them about my constant dizziness. They're saying it's anxiety and my meds.

I have been throwing up blood for 2 months and have been to the ER 4 times and they do labs and say I'm fine and send me home even though I kept telling them I knew I was losing a lot of blood. Turns out they did the wrong labs and instead of them saying my hemoglobin is 11... It's 8! Idiots! My sis is also anemic so they have her on iron too.

My wisdom teeth are cutting bad and if they're infected they'll cancel the transplant until after I have them cut out. Dr Barrett said it didn't look infected and they may just cut my gums to let the wisdom teeth come in. He set me up with an appointment in the dental center tomorrow to find out.

My sister, since she is my donor and has IBS, is also getting a full work up. They wanna be sure she doesn't have Crohns too. She had labs, an EKG, a chest X-ray and a vein check and GI appointment today. Tomorrow she will have a ct scan and Friday a colonoscopy.

Tomorrow I have the dentist appointment, meeting with Dr Burt's nurse and an MRI. So hope the barium doesn't make me as sick as it did last time.

Also my heart rate has been sky high so I have to stop getting stressed out!!

I lost 5 lbs over the last 2 days..hoping to continue to lose!!

I have an active thread going on under jmcbrid so go check it out!!

Also Dr Barrett said I'm on the strongest pain meds available without putting me on a pain patch like what they give cancer patients and it has too many side effects. Guess all that's left is to suffer ugh!