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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Update on Chicago

I got a call from Dr Burt's nurses yesterday. I'm going to Chicago April 23-28, 2012. I was hoping to only be there a few days but it looks like I'll be there for a whole week. I'll fly in that Monday, see Dr. Barrett (he replaced Dr Craig when he retired--Gi doctor) on Tuesday, see Dr. Burt on Wednesday, prep on Thursday, and colonoscopy on Friday. Then I'll fly home on Saturday. Grandmother is going with me. Maybe we will ge some sightseeing done this time. I would like to go to the art museum, navy pier, maybe even see a show. That would be nice atleast.  Only downfall is I found out Tricare (my insurance) is going to give me problems approving any fact I have to get preauthorization for the colonoscopy before i can go too.

I've been sick all week..had a pain in my right side. i called dr holt, Sue told me to go to the ER since its not my normal pain. the doctor at the ER didn't even do an xray or a ct scan. Just labs. I have a UTI but I don't think thats the pain source. He said if I'm not feeling better in 36 hours to go back..that was thurssday..I'm still in a lot of pain. I'm sure its just built up gas or whatever from the inflammation creating a blockage like effect. But better safe than sorry, if im not better by tomorrow I'll go back.

The pain meds are just not working this week and now the antibiotics are adding to my nausea..yay....not. lol.

Everyday Jon comes home and falls right asleep so I spend alot of time alone..I know he's tired from work so i try not to make a big deal out of it..i'm just really lonely and restless. I spend all day alone and then when he comes home..its more time alone. I planned lunch and jazz music plus an art museum in palm springs today. I told him I wanted to go and he didn't seem too thrilled. I said I'd go alone, he didn't have to go, I just need to get out and he said he would go but I can tell he doesn't want to. I hate pushing the issue, it's just that I spend all day in pain and sick and I want to feel somewhat normal and do normal things like normal people....maybe i'm just being selfish.

Ive joined several Crohn's and Colitis forums. Those are a fun way to express myself and get stuff out and also help makes me feel better. I recommend every crohnie joining one and caregivers too