I have severe Crohn's disease and I'm going through quite a journey. I've stopped responding to conventional treatments and here's my story as I try to find a way to get my life back!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Updates aren't as common since I'm starting to really feel better. I'm having lady issues which I'm guessing is from the chemo since the doctors can't figure it out but other than that I'm seeing huge improvement since surgery a couple weeks ago! Thank you all for your continued prayers and I will continue to update you on my progress!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Ok so I went to the ER last Thursday morning. Turns out I needed emergency gallbladder surgery. Soooo wasn't expecting that! It was very enlarged and inflamed with adema and scarring from previous infections and issues. My fevers didn't go away after surgery so they put me on vancomycin and flagyll and kept me until Tuesday to make sure my fevers were going away. So far so good. Just gotta keep being safe and taking these antibiotics!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
2 months since infusion
I'm in a lot of pain and even though I was able to eat some spaghettios today, I'm still nauseous. They're putting me back on flagyll in case it's the c diff but a virus has been going around so idk. I haven't been around any sick people but who knows. I'm also super super super dizzy. I'm getting a blood transfusion tomorrow so hopefully ill feel better after that.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Almost 2 months post transfusion
Well I'm getting over the c diff. My stomach pain is completely gone!!! I'm still experiencing some mild diarrhea but its most likely a side effect from my meds. My PCP has increased the meds for my heart palpitations and prescribed me something to increase my appetite since my appetite is nonexistent at this point. I have only eaten a small order of curly fries in the last 3 days. I've lost 20lbs, which I'm not totally mad about lol but this isn't the right way to lose weight. I only take half a pain killer a day now and thts for my back! Not my Crohn's!! Yay!! Other than that the only thing I have to worry about is my hemoglobin. It's dropping and if it doesn't start increasing I will need a blood transfusion. So lets pray about that!!
Friday, October 26, 2012
One month since discharge
I've had an ok week until today. I'm running a low grade fever and the chills are brutal but the lab work this week said everything's ok! The c diff symptoms have gotten better so in sure I'm still just getting over that.
On a different note, I just found out my masters thesis was published in the Journal of Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles!! My first academic publication!! Hoping this will help me when I look for a job as a university professor. I've also been considering a 6 month to a year break to teach English and do missionary work in a foreign country. I would need one that is paid without certification. Does anyone have any suggestions??
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Getting over an infection
I've been on antibiotics for the c diff for several days now. I'm feeling better but am still experiencing some bloody diarrhea and nausea and vomiting. I have NO appetite still at all. Even though I'm still experiencing the symptoms, they aren't has severe as they were last week. So I guess we will just wait and see how I'm feeling in the next few days! I have faith ill be a million times better when the healing is over. God has big plans for me and I fully intend on carrying those plans out! :)
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Sick again
Well the last couple days I've had bad diarrhea, vomiting, and then a fever. I went to the ER last night. I have a UTI and c diff again. I'm starting antibiotics so hopefully ill feel better soon. My ct scan showed alot of inflammation in my sigmoid colon still so I'm going to talk to Dr Burt tomorrow to see if that's normal or if it means the transplant is unsuccessful. I honestly don't know. I will keep you updated!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
First good day in a looonnnnngggg time!!
I saw a PCP yesterday and she did an EKG. There is a part of it that showed narrowing but both her and a cardiologist didn't see any concern in it. She said my rapid heart beat, dizziness and difficulty breathing could be one a several things including anxiety, withdrawals from the drastic decrease in pain meds, or a thyroid issue caused by my other meds. She prescribed me something for the palpitations and I am feeling sooooo much better. Also the pain has decreased significantly over the last couple if days. Yay!!! And I'm down to using the bathroom once a day! No bleeding. No nausea. I'm tired but I'm still recovering. And that paired with my loss of appetite have been the only problems I've had today so that's good in my book!
Today was the uga vs Carolina game so I cooked and watched the game at home. My family has been a great support system during all of this. You know who hasn't talked to me in months. But I have bigger things on my mind, like getting healthy, moving on, and serving the higher purpose God has for me. He's working in me for sure and He has huge plans for me yet!! Can't wait to get better, get back to church, get back to mission work and loving the best man of all, God!!
Today was the uga vs Carolina game so I cooked and watched the game at home. My family has been a great support system during all of this. You know who hasn't talked to me in months. But I have bigger things on my mind, like getting healthy, moving on, and serving the higher purpose God has for me. He's working in me for sure and He has huge plans for me yet!! Can't wait to get better, get back to church, get back to mission work and loving the best man of all, God!!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Minor complications
My heart rate has been high all day and I'm shaky, like jittery. So I called Dr Burt. He's changed my dose of cyclosporine, asked me to cut down on phenergan, and made my blood pressure meds to as needed if my blood pressure is high. Also my magnesium is low so my dose of magnesium oxide has increased. Pain is still bad. It's like a constant sharp pain. The Percocet reduces it but doesn't eliminate it. But atleast my other Crohn's symptoms are better!
Monday, October 1, 2012
October begins: my first month to a new me
My blood pressure is staying high. It's made me so dizzy and my visions so blurry that I've been throwing up. Dr Burt prescribed me something for my blood pressure. It hasn't kicked in yet or I threw up too close to taking it but really hoping to feel better soon.
September 30, 2012: Road to recovery
Ok everyone! Sorry for the delay!! I got home around midnight Friday and I've been battling bad insomnia, ton of pain, and really high blood pressure with blurry vision and dizziness. Not a good weekend. I talked to Dr Burt today and he said the pain should gradually fade with time and to get my weekly bloodwork as normal starting tomorrow morning and we will go from there. I'm pretty sure I'm going to need blood pressure meds since the cyclosporine (anti rejection meds) causes high blood pressure and I can't keep living like this everyday.
Other than that I'm now only using the bathroom a few times a day, which should lessen with time as well. No nausea. No vomiting after every meal. I have a good appetite. No fevers. No bleeding. :)
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Day 12: Update and Recap
I was supposed to go home this morning but my counts weren't high enough. They rechecked them at 2pm and my white cell count was 1.1 and my platelets were at 23...just enough to be sent home. Unfortunately, because they keep bouncing up and down, they've kept me another night atleast. They want to monitor me. They have to make sure i'm safe flying home. Even though I know thats right and safe and it's what I have to do, i'm having a discouraging day. I'm getting homesick and frustrated. But I know God is keeping me extra days for my own safety and when I finally get home, i'll appreciate it so much more. I'm having a rough time with the hair loss...bald...*shudder* but I'm trying to stay strong and see it as a symbol of my strength and recovery.
It's emotional for me to consider what i've been through over the last 6 years since my original diagnosis on March 27, 2007. A date i'll never forget. A date that changed my life forever...and honestly, for the better. When I was first diagnosed, I'd never even heard of Crohn's disease yet it was destined to alter my way of life forever. I was in and out of the hospital at first and trying every medication under the sun. By my senior year of college I was going to infusion centers every month and giving myself injections every other week. I managed with different meds and steroids until the summer I graduated with my Master's Degree.
Then the recent flare started...3 years ago...and it was relentless. As time went on, I had to stop going to parks or on walks, working out, going to movies or to bars with my friends. No one understood why I couldn't do the things they did. On top of it, I was battling moving from place to place, being homeless, trying to find a better job, dating an alcoholic, abusive boyfriend for 2 years, before finally moving back home to live near my family. Once I moved, I started a better job but was forced to take medical leave after only 3 months because of my Crohn's. I did break up with the boyfriend when i moved, hoping the stress relief would help some of the medications work better for me. Unfortunately, they didn't. I continued to worsen with daily fevers, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, excruciating pain and cramping. My life was spent in the bathroom and throwing up in trashcans and plastic bags in the car. In October 2011, I was hospitalized and put on TPN and had blood transfusions. I was hospitalized several times after that as well.
In September 2011, I read a blog that had all of Dr Burt's information about the stem cell transplant for Crohn's. I knew it was a long shot, but my only other options were traveling internationally for risky hookworms or a full colostomy. Something I still could not be prepared for. I printed all the research I could find, took it to my doctor and told him to refer me. To my surprise, he agreed and immediately sent my medical records to Dr Burt for evaluation. By December, I was finally able to go to Chicago for my first evaluation. My blog explains the rest.
Thank you for reading and keeping up with my progress. And I promise I will keep updating as everything progresses.
God is staying good to me and keeping me strong. I couldn't ask for more.
It's emotional for me to consider what i've been through over the last 6 years since my original diagnosis on March 27, 2007. A date i'll never forget. A date that changed my life forever...and honestly, for the better. When I was first diagnosed, I'd never even heard of Crohn's disease yet it was destined to alter my way of life forever. I was in and out of the hospital at first and trying every medication under the sun. By my senior year of college I was going to infusion centers every month and giving myself injections every other week. I managed with different meds and steroids until the summer I graduated with my Master's Degree.
Then the recent flare started...3 years ago...and it was relentless. As time went on, I had to stop going to parks or on walks, working out, going to movies or to bars with my friends. No one understood why I couldn't do the things they did. On top of it, I was battling moving from place to place, being homeless, trying to find a better job, dating an alcoholic, abusive boyfriend for 2 years, before finally moving back home to live near my family. Once I moved, I started a better job but was forced to take medical leave after only 3 months because of my Crohn's. I did break up with the boyfriend when i moved, hoping the stress relief would help some of the medications work better for me. Unfortunately, they didn't. I continued to worsen with daily fevers, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding, excruciating pain and cramping. My life was spent in the bathroom and throwing up in trashcans and plastic bags in the car. In October 2011, I was hospitalized and put on TPN and had blood transfusions. I was hospitalized several times after that as well.
In September 2011, I read a blog that had all of Dr Burt's information about the stem cell transplant for Crohn's. I knew it was a long shot, but my only other options were traveling internationally for risky hookworms or a full colostomy. Something I still could not be prepared for. I printed all the research I could find, took it to my doctor and told him to refer me. To my surprise, he agreed and immediately sent my medical records to Dr Burt for evaluation. By December, I was finally able to go to Chicago for my first evaluation. My blog explains the rest.
Thank you for reading and keeping up with my progress. And I promise I will keep updating as everything progresses.
God is staying good to me and keeping me strong. I couldn't ask for more.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Day 11: photos of my transplant process
Day 11
Well I was hoping to go home today but I'm not quite there yet. We will see about tomorrow. My platelets are right where they need to be to go home but they want to be sure they're continuing to rise before sending me home. Plus my white cell counts are at 0.8 and they need to be at 1.0. I'm taking neupogen shots still so they should be up in the next couple of days.
I've barely had any nausea or pain. I'm only using the bathroom a couple times a day. It's loose but they said its most likely because of all the anti rejection and anti viral meds. I feel good. I'm just exhausted. My body has been put through the ringer and I'm feeling it. I think once I'm home with my family in my own house and in my own bed, I'm going to feel amazing!
Amy, Dr Burt's nurse, just discussed my discharge instructions with me which is exciting because it means I'm almost done and I've made it through!
On a different note, my blog was featured on Healthline.com's Top 11 Crohns Blogs of 2012! How exciting!! They specifically mentioned my positive outlook despite my condition and that seriously brought tears to my eyes. I knew I was going through this for a higher purpose of reaching others and that confirmed it for me! That made all of my struggles worth it because someone is reading and someone is getting something from it. God is so good!
I've barely had any nausea or pain. I'm only using the bathroom a couple times a day. It's loose but they said its most likely because of all the anti rejection and anti viral meds. I feel good. I'm just exhausted. My body has been put through the ringer and I'm feeling it. I think once I'm home with my family in my own house and in my own bed, I'm going to feel amazing!
Amy, Dr Burt's nurse, just discussed my discharge instructions with me which is exciting because it means I'm almost done and I've made it through!
On a different note, my blog was featured on Healthline.com's Top 11 Crohns Blogs of 2012! How exciting!! They specifically mentioned my positive outlook despite my condition and that seriously brought tears to my eyes. I knew I was going through this for a higher purpose of reaching others and that confirmed it for me! That made all of my struggles worth it because someone is reading and someone is getting something from it. God is so good!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Day 10
My counts are finally going up and I should be going home soon! I feel better and I've already eaten twice today!!! Yay!!! Dr Burt said everything looks good and when he pressed on my belly...no pain!!! I'm still weak as can be expected but I do see a difference already. Praying this continues to get better!
Also I haven't used the bathroom in the last day but when I try only blood comes out, Dr Burt says its common in Crohns patients of his. It's almost like the body is expulsing the disease from my body! Praying thats true!
Also I haven't used the bathroom in the last day but when I try only blood comes out, Dr Burt says its common in Crohns patients of his. It's almost like the body is expulsing the disease from my body! Praying thats true!
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Day 9: no hair, no shame
I not ashamed of having no hair. I'm embracing it. It's part of the process. It symbolizes strength and road to recovery. I'm proud of it. 

Day 9
I shaved my hair off today. It wasn't as emotional as I anticipated. I'm coping well. The pain has been better today. Lots of diarrhea last night with soooo much pain but today has been much more manageable. They switched my picc line because they suspected an infection in it. They're doing stool tests now for more research as to where this infection is coming from. I'm on tons of antibiotics still that will cover all areas of my body. I'm taking two neupogen shots a day to increase my white blood cells.
The doctor says I'm doing really well an they expect discharge this week. My appetite is still crummy but I get like that in hospitals. I eat better at home. But my Crohns symptoms seem better. I feel like I'm feeling more of the transplant side effects right now. But time will tell !
The doctor says I'm doing really well an they expect discharge this week. My appetite is still crummy but I get like that in hospitals. I eat better at home. But my Crohns symptoms seem better. I feel like I'm feeling more of the transplant side effects right now. But time will tell !
Friday, September 21, 2012
Day 8
Yesterday was rough. Bad tremors, fevers, really high blood pressure, very low heart rate, bad stomach pains. Today I had to have another platlet transfusion and my blood pressure has been super low so no blood transfusion today. Still battling severe abdominal cramping and stabbing pains but they only come a few times a day, in between that, I'm pain free.
I'm on tons of antibiotics and anti viral and anti rejections so Im covered for the infection they found. My nausea is way down and no diarrhea. Just the pain, especially while trying to use the bathroom. It gets so bad I shake and vomit. No fun.
Amy says my counts could be up as soon as Monday. Then once the pain goes away, I go home!!
I'm on tons of antibiotics and anti viral and anti rejections so Im covered for the infection they found. My nausea is way down and no diarrhea. Just the pain, especially while trying to use the bathroom. It gets so bad I shake and vomit. No fun.
Amy says my counts could be up as soon as Monday. Then once the pain goes away, I go home!!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Day 6
Day 6 I now have chemo brain. Basically I can't remember anything that or has happened or was said. Sorry if it seems kinda loopy. I am lol not from any new meds. Just chemo brain and sleep deprivation. It took me an hour to post this one. I would be awake and talkin then just slap asleep I think a lot of this memory loss is sleep deprivation
Will have to talk to everyone tomorrow when I'm not falling asleep in between each word
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Day 5 afterthought :)
If anyone wants me to post on a certain topic, Crohns related of course lol please leave a comment to this post and I will start posting more! That can include personal updates on my stem cell transplant, or any general info you may want to find but can't. Let me help!
Day 5: still neutropenic
I am so sorry I haven't updated recently. Ever since the day before my transplant day, I was feeling so weak and nauseas and in a good bit of abdominal pain. The pain meds I had been getting were making me worse. So when I realized that, I had them take me off everything but Norco which helps a lot more.
The day before my transfusion, I started getting these bad abdominal cramps and I'd sit on the toilet for forever in writhing pain and nothing would come out. This has continued. They gave me a laxative for the first time the other day. And now, while its still sooo very painful, it's regulating to once or twice a day. The nausea is getting much better and I'm able to sleep again.
Day 0: September 13, 2012 10:18am I had my 2nd birthday. They brought the cells in Luke something from a movie, steam and all lol they blessed the cells (my choice) and started the infusion. They came in a small bag that looked like blood. The second they went in I tasted creamed corn, started breathing heavy and started vomiting through the entire thing. But Dr Burt was in the room with me and in 30min it was all done. I was pretty suck for the next two days but I'm gradually getting better.
It's now Day 5 and I'm full of energy with the occasional pain and nausea and a few other issues...needed 2 blood transfusions, one platelet transfusion, a couple bad fevers, and I have a lot of blood in my urine. So they're monitoring me and as soon as my counts go up, I go home!! Yay!! Just be praying this really works and I'm gonna be better than I can remember being!
The day before my transfusion, I started getting these bad abdominal cramps and I'd sit on the toilet for forever in writhing pain and nothing would come out. This has continued. They gave me a laxative for the first time the other day. And now, while its still sooo very painful, it's regulating to once or twice a day. The nausea is getting much better and I'm able to sleep again.
Day 0: September 13, 2012 10:18am I had my 2nd birthday. They brought the cells in Luke something from a movie, steam and all lol they blessed the cells (my choice) and started the infusion. They came in a small bag that looked like blood. The second they went in I tasted creamed corn, started breathing heavy and started vomiting through the entire thing. But Dr Burt was in the room with me and in 30min it was all done. I was pretty suck for the next two days but I'm gradually getting better.
It's now Day 5 and I'm full of energy with the occasional pain and nausea and a few other issues...needed 2 blood transfusions, one platelet transfusion, a couple bad fevers, and I have a lot of blood in my urine. So they're monitoring me and as soon as my counts go up, I go home!! Yay!! Just be praying this really works and I'm gonna be better than I can remember being!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Day -2
Have been really sick today. Very weak. Had to have a blood transfusion but I'm all done with chemo now. Almost there...
Monday, September 10, 2012
Day -3
Last day of chemo is tomorrow!! Yay!! I've tolerated it fairly well. They have me on cytoxan and campath today and tomorrow. They kept the cytoxan on a slow trip and loaded me down with Benadryl and I've been doing well. Getting weak but went 2 days with no diarrhea! And minimal pain now! I'm feeling more myself again. Just as soon as I finish this :)
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Day -4
Taking fludarabine, cytoxan, and campath today. Was having a little reaction so they loaded me down with tons of Benadryl and now I feel much better. I can't really eat but my Crohns symptoms seem to be better if not almost gone. They said I'll lose my hair in a couple weeks. And they said my worst days will be these last few days of chemo and the day of transplantation.
Day -5
Started cytoxan with the fludarabine, strong steroids, some anti viral meds, and mesna. And they have me something to make me per a lot so the cytoxan doesn't give me bladder issues. I've had to take a lot of Benadryl because my nose was burning and my head was killing me. They also gave me merinol. Which is medicinal marijuana and that helped a lot but made me sleep a lot.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Day -7
Started a 4 hour course of magnesium today and now I'm on another 30min dose of fludarabine. I'm a little nauseous today. But I feel like its more my normal Crohns nausea. Will keep you all updated!!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Day -8
Just started chemo today. The picc line had problems going in right so that took 3 hrs yesterday. Then I was admitted yesterday evening. Dr Burt came in and gave the ok to start chemo. Today I'm getting a 30min dose of fludarbine. Almost done for the day!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Donor Info
Just so everyone knows. Donors have to take shots of neupogen which causes their bodies to produce extra bone marrow. It causes bone pain and can get pretty painful. Then they hook them up to a machine which draws blood from a catheter in their neck and separates the stem cells and puts te blood back in. They pump them with calcium, etc during this. Doing so can cause then to experience pain and a tingly feeling. Thought everyone would like to know a little about the donor experience. I'm gonna have my sister write on here and post about her experience.
Oral Surgery
Wisdom teeth removed today. Just got out of surgery. They didn sedate me Bc I had to do it alone and bc they needed to do it quick and not with a surgeon. But they ended up having to get a surgeon bc I wasn't numbing completely. I was laying there in tears and almost screaming. I had some bone and fibrous tissue covering the tooth so they had to cut it off too. That was terrible. I'm at the pharmacy getting Narco for the pain. Praying for a pain free and fast recovery.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
I've been battling insomnia too for a year and I haven't slept in over 30hrs and I'm exhausted to the point of breaking down in hysterics but I can't sleep. Help. Ugh. I take ambien but I'm having to babysit my nephews, all 3, today with my grandmother and even though I'm exhausted and screaming in pain and throwing up bad, in havin to stay up with the older 2 while my grandmother is napping with the baby. Sooo tired!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Home finally
Ok so I just got home from the hospital. My blood counts are very low and I haven't been eating. I gotta be careful or it's back to tpn for me. I won't post for another week when we go back to Chicago to harvest my sisters stem cells. I need time to rest.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Still in the hospital
My blood counts dropped so they kept me. They did IV iron therapy yesterday and I should know soon what will happen next
Friday, August 10, 2012
Hospital stay day 2
They couldn't find where my stomach is bleeding so I'm here one more night then they'll check my labs on the morning and go from there. I'll probably get to go on home
Great news: my sis is autoimmune disorder free so it's all a go!!
Great news: my sis is autoimmune disorder free so it's all a go!!
Bump in the road
Oh forgot to mention I've been vomiting blood for over a month and now I'm having black coffe ground stools and fevers etc. so I was admitted at Northwestern in Chicago last night. Had an endoscopy this morning...waiting for results
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
I need prayers
So I had the MRI and it turns out me in tight spaces equals panic attack. Bad news. I met with Dr Burt's nurse yesterday and she said there was some kind of mistake and even though my insurance gave the hospital an approval code, it wasn't actually approved. Then not even a minute later she gets a call saying Tricare went ahead and approved it and it's a go. Then I go to my appointment today with Dr burt... They lied again and they decided not to approve it even though they sent the nurse an approval code and an approval email. So as of now, the transplant is canceled. I'm at a loss. I'm a wreck. I need this so bad and now I don't know what I'll do. Please pray!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
After dentist appointment
So I do have infected wisdom teeth. It still won't affect my transplant though. They are putting me on antibiotics for a week and cutting them out next week. Frustrating but better than it messing up my transplant! About to meet with dr burts nurse and then it's off to the MRI. I may not post again until tomorrow since this will probably have me pretty sick!
At my dentist appointment
Well I have 8 sudden cavities after never having a single one in my life. And inflamed gums and I have to have my wisdom teeth removed ASAP. Good news is it won't affect my transplant whatsoever! But I may have to stay in Chicago or come back next week. Very frustrating. The dentist is talking to the oral surgeon now about scheduling. Cross your fingers!!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Pre transplant testing
Today was the first day of my pre transplant testing. Today I had a pulmonary function test, EKG, cheat X-ray, labs, echocardiogram, and a GI appointment. I told them about my constant dizziness. They're saying it's anxiety and my meds.
I have been throwing up blood for 2 months and have been to the ER 4 times and they do labs and say I'm fine and send me home even though I kept telling them I knew I was losing a lot of blood. Turns out they did the wrong labs and instead of them saying my hemoglobin is 11... It's 8! Idiots! My sis is also anemic so they have her on iron too.
My wisdom teeth are cutting bad and if they're infected they'll cancel the transplant until after I have them cut out. Dr Barrett said it didn't look infected and they may just cut my gums to let the wisdom teeth come in. He set me up with an appointment in the dental center tomorrow to find out.
My sister, since she is my donor and has IBS, is also getting a full work up. They wanna be sure she doesn't have Crohns too. She had labs, an EKG, a chest X-ray and a vein check and GI appointment today. Tomorrow she will have a ct scan and Friday a colonoscopy.
Tomorrow I have the dentist appointment, meeting with Dr Burt's nurse and an MRI. So hope the barium doesn't make me as sick as it did last time.
Also my heart rate has been sky high so I have to stop getting stressed out!!
I lost 5 lbs over the last 2 days..hoping to continue to lose!!
I have an active thread going on crohnsforum.com under jmcbrid so go check it out!!
Also Dr Barrett said I'm on the strongest pain meds available without putting me on a pain patch like what they give cancer patients and it has too many side effects. Guess all that's left is to suffer ugh!
I have been throwing up blood for 2 months and have been to the ER 4 times and they do labs and say I'm fine and send me home even though I kept telling them I knew I was losing a lot of blood. Turns out they did the wrong labs and instead of them saying my hemoglobin is 11... It's 8! Idiots! My sis is also anemic so they have her on iron too.
My wisdom teeth are cutting bad and if they're infected they'll cancel the transplant until after I have them cut out. Dr Barrett said it didn't look infected and they may just cut my gums to let the wisdom teeth come in. He set me up with an appointment in the dental center tomorrow to find out.
My sister, since she is my donor and has IBS, is also getting a full work up. They wanna be sure she doesn't have Crohns too. She had labs, an EKG, a chest X-ray and a vein check and GI appointment today. Tomorrow she will have a ct scan and Friday a colonoscopy.
Tomorrow I have the dentist appointment, meeting with Dr Burt's nurse and an MRI. So hope the barium doesn't make me as sick as it did last time.
Also my heart rate has been sky high so I have to stop getting stressed out!!
I lost 5 lbs over the last 2 days..hoping to continue to lose!!
I have an active thread going on crohnsforum.com under jmcbrid so go check it out!!
Also Dr Barrett said I'm on the strongest pain meds available without putting me on a pain patch like what they give cancer patients and it has too many side effects. Guess all that's left is to suffer ugh!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
great news!!a
the nurse called me today and told me my sister is a match for my donor! and we will start pretransplant testing august 6, 2012 and i will be admitted september 3, 2012. yay!! i will blog step by step when we get there!
Friday, June 29, 2012
It's been approved!
So sorry that i haven't posted sooner! i don't have the internet at home and my cell was acting up!
The insurance approved the stem cell transplant first try!! We will know by Tuesday if my sis is a donor match via HLA testing. If she is, she will go to Chicago and they'll determine if she is free of Crohn's. If she is, she will be my donor. If she isn't a match or has Crohn's, they'll use someone from the Umbilical Cord Registry. PRAY!!!! They said the earliest they can fit me in for the transplant is september, so again, pray i wont have to wait long!
thank you all for your support!
The insurance approved the stem cell transplant first try!! We will know by Tuesday if my sis is a donor match via HLA testing. If she is, she will go to Chicago and they'll determine if she is free of Crohn's. If she is, she will be my donor. If she isn't a match or has Crohn's, they'll use someone from the Umbilical Cord Registry. PRAY!!!! They said the earliest they can fit me in for the transplant is september, so again, pray i wont have to wait long!
thank you all for your support!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
cant wait for chicago
the pain is getting worse and nothing offers me relief. i cant wait to go to chicago and maybe get some answers. however, the costs involved in all of this are really adding up and i dont have the money to pay. im officially 6 months out of work..no income. ugh. i dont know how much longer im going to survive all of this.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
so sick
i was super sick yesterday. i was laying down for a nap and woke up throwing up. i later attempted to go for dinner with candice and ended up in the bathroom for 30minutes bent doubled over in pain and violently throwing up. she took very good care of me and got me home right when a terrible fever and chills started. today im in tons of pain and just nauseas. ugh.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
ct scan update
the ct scan didnt show any complications..just the usual inflammation causing tons of pain...ugh no way to get any relief
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Day 1 hundred and something
went to the dr today. ive had worsening pain and a swollen feeling. so he sent me straight to the hospital for a ct scan and blood work.ill get the results in the morning
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Day 155: Self-Injury Awareness
Although National Self-Injury Awareness Day (NSIAD) is on March 1, I am offering some information to my readers today. Just because it's important and close to my heart.
Approximately 1% of the US population has self-injured at some point in time.
Self-injury is a coping mechanism. An individual harms their physical self to deal with emotional pain, or to break feelings of numbness by arousing sensation.
People can feel the urge to self-injure for hours, and it can feel like there is nothing else to relieve the distress, other than to hurt one's self.
A trigger is an event that pushes a person over the edge and leads them to seek immediate relief through self-harm.
A trigger can be an external event, such as an argument, or an internal event, like remembering a traumatic time.
Self-harm includes many harmful behaviours such as self-injury, but includes such diverse matters as eating disorders, risk taking behaviour, drug and alcohol misuse.
We might describe a massive acute drug overdose as suicidal behaviour, but if someone is self-medicating in a chronic manner (over a period of time) then we're more likely to describe it as self-injury, especially if the person explains their actions are to 'help them cope' or 'help them forget'.
When a person is told that their ideas, desires and thoughts are wrong, stupid or not worth considering, that person can feel invalidated, i.e. they can feel unheard and discounted.
When a person finds that all their thoughts are always judged to be silly or not worth consideration, they can be said to be experiencing chronic, or long-term invalidation.
If a person's self expression is inhibited, or even forbidden, then it may lead to such a crisis that they turn inwards, only expressing themselves internally, and this might manifest as self harm.
Self harm can be seen as 'communication to one's self'; a person who self harms may feel that the only way to have a voice, is to keep it silent and private, to express their feelings directly on their own body.
If there is no one who will listen to the emotional outbursts of a frustrated and distressed person, they may turn to self harm as a form of emotional expression. By creating physical harm to themselves, they seek relief from the emotional distress# that they are forbidden to express publicly.
Physical pain can seem easier to deal with than the emotional pain that is trapped inside an invalidated person, and it detracts from the emotional distress therefore offering some kind of temporary relief.
Chronic invalidation is not only experienced by young people, it can effect people of any age, in situations where a person in power, or a group of people, continuously discount and ignore a person. This sort of passive bullying can often be seen in the work place*.
Self-injury can affect anybody, at any time in their lives. Gender, age, sexual orientation, race, religion, background – they are all irrelevant. If, rather than considering who might turn to self-injury, we instead focus on who could possibly suffer from the emotional distress that can lead to self-injury, it’s much easier to imagine that self-injury really can affect anyone.
Self-injury is a coping mechanism. Anyone who has anything distressing to cope with might potentially turn to self-injury.
So instead of looking at who self-injures in terms of such things as gender and age, we might consider that there are certain characteristics that some people who self-injure share. These include, but are not restricted to, low self-esteem, perfectionism and high achievement, poor body image, trauma and abuse. Of course, a person who self-injures may experience all, some, or none of these characteristics, as may a person who doesn’t self-injure.
Many people who self-injure often talk about intense negative feelings towards themselves. A significant cause of low self-esteem is chronic invalidation by others.
Perfectionists may be very successful in their every-day lives, but it often comes at a personal cost. Perfectionism simultaneously pushes people to succeed to the highest standards, but it also inevitably causes a person to feel they could have done better, or even that they have failed. Similarly to invalidation, this may lead eventually to low self-esteem.
Some people who self-injure have a poor body image. This may, again, be due to invalidation (i.e. consistent comments about weight, looks etc) or may even be due to the media’s attention on the ‘beautiful people’. A person can feel inadequate, or even ugly or inferior. Self-injury may be a way of coping with these feelings by ‘punishing’ the body.
Some people self-injure to cope with traumatic life events, either currently or in the past. These may include bereavement, bullying, break-up of relationship, financial crisis, or physical, emotional or sexual abuse.
Self-injury may also be associated with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, etc.
Resource: http://www.lifesigns.org.uk/ (TONS of info here, please go to the website and download the appropriate pdf file..ex. info for teachers, for parents, for friends, for males and so on)
This information could save someone you know so please read!
Approximately 1% of the US population has self-injured at some point in time.
Self-harm, also known as self-injury, self-inflicted violence, self-injurious behavior, or self-mutilation, can be defined as the deliberate, direct injury of one's own body that causes tissue damage or leave marks for more than a few minutes and that is done in order to deal with an overwhelming or distressing situation.
It's important to remember that, even though it may not be apparent to an outside observer, self-injury is serving a function for the person who does it. Figuring out what functions it serves and helping someone learn other ways to get those needs met is essential to helping people who self-harm. Some of the reasons self-injurers have given for their acts include:
- Affect modulation (distraction from emotional pain, ending feelings of numbness, lessening a desire to suicide, calming overwhelming/intense feelings)
- Maintaining control and distracting the self from painful thoughts or memories
- Self-punishment (either because they believe they deserve punishment for either having good feelings or being an "evil" person or because they hope that self-punishment will avert worse punishment from some outside source
- Expression of things that can't be put into words (displaying anger, showing the depth of emotional pain, shocking others, seeking support and help)
- Expression of feelings for which they have no label -- this phenomenon, called alexithymia (literally no words feeling), is common in people who self-harm
See Osuch, Noll, & Putnam, Psychiatry 62 (Winter 99), pp: 334-345
Zlotnick et al, Comprehensive Psychiatry 37(1) pp:12-16.
Zlotnick et al, Comprehensive Psychiatry 37(1) pp:12-16.
People who self-injure often never developed healthy ways to feel and express emotion or to tolerate distress. Studies have shown that self-harm can put a person at a high level of physiological arousal back to a baseline state.
It's natural to want to help people who self-injure develop healthier ways of coping when they feel overwhelmed, but it's important not to let your discomfort with the concept of self-harm cause you to issue ultimatums, punish self-harming behavior, or threaten to leave if the person self-harms again. Ideally, you should set boundaries to keep yourself feeling safe while respecting the person's right to make his or her own decisions about how to deal with stress.
Self-harm is usually a failed suicide attempt.
This myth persists despite a wealth of studies showing that, although people who self-injure may be at a higher risk of suicide than others, they distinguish betwen acts of self-harm and attempted suicide. Many, if not most, self-injuring people who make a suicide attempt use means that are completely different to their preferred methods of self-inflicted violence.
This myth persists despite a wealth of studies showing that, although people who self-injure may be at a higher risk of suicide than others, they distinguish betwen acts of self-harm and attempted suicide. Many, if not most, self-injuring people who make a suicide attempt use means that are completely different to their preferred methods of self-inflicted violence.
People who self-injure are crazy and should be locked up.
Tracy Alderman, Ph.D., author of The Scarred Soul, addressed this:
Tracy Alderman, Ph.D., author of The Scarred Soul, addressed this:
"Fear can lead to dangerous overreactions. In dealing with clients who hurt themselves, you will probably feel fear. . . . Hospitalizing clients for self-inflicted violence is one such form of overreaction. Many therapists, because they do not possess an adequate understanding of SIV, will use extreme measures to assure (they think) their clients' best interests. However, few people who self-injure need to be hospitalized or institutionalized. The vast majority of self-inflicted wounds are neither life threatening nor require medical treatment. Hospitalizing a client involuntarily for these issues can be damaging in several ways. Because SIV is closely related to feelings of lack of control and overwhelming emotional states, placing someone in a setting that by its nature evokes these feelings is very likely to make matters worse, and may lead to an incident of SIV. In addition, involuntary hospitalization often affects the therapeutic relationship in negative ways, eroding trust, communication, rapport, and honesty. Caution should be used when assessing a client's level of threat to self or others. In most cases, SIV is not life threatening. . . . Because SIV is so misunderstood, clinicians often overreact and provide treatment that is contraindicated.
People who self-harm are just trying to get attention.
A wise friend once emailed me a list of attention-seeking behaviors: wearing nice clothing, smiling at people, saying "hi", going to the check-out counter at a store, and so on. We all seek attention all the time; wanting attention is not bad or sick. If someone is in so much distress and feels so ignored that the only way he can think of to express his pain is by hurting his body, something is definitely wrong in his life and this isn't the time to be making moral judgments about his behavior.
That said, most poeple who self-injure go to great lengths to hide their wounds and scars. Many consider their self-harm to be a deeply shameful secret and dread the consequences of discovery.
A wise friend once emailed me a list of attention-seeking behaviors: wearing nice clothing, smiling at people, saying "hi", going to the check-out counter at a store, and so on. We all seek attention all the time; wanting attention is not bad or sick. If someone is in so much distress and feels so ignored that the only way he can think of to express his pain is by hurting his body, something is definitely wrong in his life and this isn't the time to be making moral judgments about his behavior.
That said, most poeple who self-injure go to great lengths to hide their wounds and scars. Many consider their self-harm to be a deeply shameful secret and dread the consequences of discovery.
Self-inflicted violence is just an attempt to manipulate others.
Some people use self-inflicted injuries as an attempt to cause others to behave in certain ways, it's true. Most don't, though. If you feel as though someone is trying to manipulate you with SI, it may be more important to focus on what it is they want and how you can communicate about it while maintaining appropriate boundaries. Look for the deeper issues and work on those.
Some people use self-inflicted injuries as an attempt to cause others to behave in certain ways, it's true. Most don't, though. If you feel as though someone is trying to manipulate you with SI, it may be more important to focus on what it is they want and how you can communicate about it while maintaining appropriate boundaries. Look for the deeper issues and work on those.
Only people with Borderline Personality Disorder self-harm.
Self-harm is a criterion for diagnosing BPD, but there are 8 other equally important criteria. Not everyone with BPD self-harms, and not all people who self-harm have BPD (regardless of practitioners who automatically diagnose anyone who self-injures with BPD).
Self-harm is a criterion for diagnosing BPD, but there are 8 other equally important criteria. Not everyone with BPD self-harms, and not all people who self-harm have BPD (regardless of practitioners who automatically diagnose anyone who self-injures with BPD).
If the wounds aren't "bad enough," self-harm isn't serious.
The severity of the self-inflicted wounds has very little to do with the level of emotional distress present. Different people have different methods of SI and different pain tolerances. The only way to figure out how much distress someone is in is to ask. Never assume; check it out with the person.
The severity of the self-inflicted wounds has very little to do with the level of emotional distress present. Different people have different methods of SI and different pain tolerances. The only way to figure out how much distress someone is in is to ask. Never assume; check it out with the person.
Only teen-aged girls self-injure.
In five years of existence, the bodies-under-siege email list has had members of both genders, from six continents, and ranging in age from 14-60+. It's a person-who-has-no-other-way-to-cope thing, not a teenage (or female or American or whatever) thing.
In five years of existence, the bodies-under-siege email list has had members of both genders, from six continents, and ranging in age from 14-60+. It's a person-who-has-no-other-way-to-cope thing, not a teenage (or female or American or whatever) thing.
Resource: http://www.selfinjury.org/
People can feel the urge to self-injure for hours, and it can feel like there is nothing else to relieve the distress, other than to hurt one's self.
A trigger is an event that pushes a person over the edge and leads them to seek immediate relief through self-harm.
A trigger can be an external event, such as an argument, or an internal event, like remembering a traumatic time.
Self-harm includes many harmful behaviours such as self-injury, but includes such diverse matters as eating disorders, risk taking behaviour, drug and alcohol misuse.
We might describe a massive acute drug overdose as suicidal behaviour, but if someone is self-medicating in a chronic manner (over a period of time) then we're more likely to describe it as self-injury, especially if the person explains their actions are to 'help them cope' or 'help them forget'.
When a person is told that their ideas, desires and thoughts are wrong, stupid or not worth considering, that person can feel invalidated, i.e. they can feel unheard and discounted.
When a person finds that all their thoughts are always judged to be silly or not worth consideration, they can be said to be experiencing chronic, or long-term invalidation.
If a person's self expression is inhibited, or even forbidden, then it may lead to such a crisis that they turn inwards, only expressing themselves internally, and this might manifest as self harm.
Self harm can be seen as 'communication to one's self'; a person who self harms may feel that the only way to have a voice, is to keep it silent and private, to express their feelings directly on their own body.
If there is no one who will listen to the emotional outbursts of a frustrated and distressed person, they may turn to self harm as a form of emotional expression. By creating physical harm to themselves, they seek relief from the emotional distress# that they are forbidden to express publicly.
Physical pain can seem easier to deal with than the emotional pain that is trapped inside an invalidated person, and it detracts from the emotional distress therefore offering some kind of temporary relief.
Chronic invalidation is not only experienced by young people, it can effect people of any age, in situations where a person in power, or a group of people, continuously discount and ignore a person. This sort of passive bullying can often be seen in the work place*.
Self-injury can affect anybody, at any time in their lives. Gender, age, sexual orientation, race, religion, background – they are all irrelevant. If, rather than considering who might turn to self-injury, we instead focus on who could possibly suffer from the emotional distress that can lead to self-injury, it’s much easier to imagine that self-injury really can affect anyone.
Self-injury is a coping mechanism. Anyone who has anything distressing to cope with might potentially turn to self-injury.
So instead of looking at who self-injures in terms of such things as gender and age, we might consider that there are certain characteristics that some people who self-injure share. These include, but are not restricted to, low self-esteem, perfectionism and high achievement, poor body image, trauma and abuse. Of course, a person who self-injures may experience all, some, or none of these characteristics, as may a person who doesn’t self-injure.
Many people who self-injure often talk about intense negative feelings towards themselves. A significant cause of low self-esteem is chronic invalidation by others.
Perfectionists may be very successful in their every-day lives, but it often comes at a personal cost. Perfectionism simultaneously pushes people to succeed to the highest standards, but it also inevitably causes a person to feel they could have done better, or even that they have failed. Similarly to invalidation, this may lead eventually to low self-esteem.
Some people who self-injure have a poor body image. This may, again, be due to invalidation (i.e. consistent comments about weight, looks etc) or may even be due to the media’s attention on the ‘beautiful people’. A person can feel inadequate, or even ugly or inferior. Self-injury may be a way of coping with these feelings by ‘punishing’ the body.
Some people self-injure to cope with traumatic life events, either currently or in the past. These may include bereavement, bullying, break-up of relationship, financial crisis, or physical, emotional or sexual abuse.
Self-injury may also be associated with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, etc.
Resource: http://www.lifesigns.org.uk/ (TONS of info here, please go to the website and download the appropriate pdf file..ex. info for teachers, for parents, for friends, for males and so on)
This information could save someone you know so please read!
Day 155: Therapy
Was sick and throwing up for several hours yesterday but was over it after dinner time.
Today i met with a therapist..someone to help me deal with my emotional issues with having a chronic illness. i will see her on a regular basis now..well someone in SC and her when im in CA but im going back to sc this weekend. I will call someone in Greenville to see when I get home.
Other than that, no major updates..just waiting to go to Chicago..lots of waiting...
Today i met with a therapist..someone to help me deal with my emotional issues with having a chronic illness. i will see her on a regular basis now..well someone in SC and her when im in CA but im going back to sc this weekend. I will call someone in Greenville to see when I get home.
Other than that, no major updates..just waiting to go to Chicago..lots of waiting...
Friday, March 16, 2012
Day 153: Bucket List
Here is my Bucket List as of today:
70. Ride in a ferry In Istanbul, 201071. Take a cruise Dinner cruise in Istanbul, 201072. Get marriedDecember 23, 201173. Lay out and watch the stars74. Get something pierced belly button, 200975. Name a star “The Nana”, for Mom, February 14, 201276. Lay on a beach in Europe 2010 with Leslie Merritt77. Take a train ride In Greece, 2010 with Leslie Merritt78. Own a pet Ella and Lady79. Go on a horse and carriage ride Helen, GA80. Fall in love 81. Go on spontaneous road trip to Folly Beach, SC 201182. Make my own piece of clothing 83. Be on a game show Mexican game show in Miami, 200984. Watch the sunrise on the beach85. Kiss underneath a waterfall 86. Be a designer in a fashion show 200887. Learn to cook88. Cook a meal for my family 89. Get a professional massage 90. Have a snowball fight with strangers Athens, GA snowstorm 201091. Hike a mountain Chimney Rock, NC92. Lose weight93. Learn to check the oil in a car Poppie taught me94. Throw a party 201095. Go to a baseball game 96. Graduate college SCSU and UGA; 2008 and 2010 respectively97. Create my own recipe beans98. See a dinner and a show with Mom, Pigeon Forge, TN; Dixie Stampede99. See an impersonation act 100. Kiss in the rain101. Build a snowman 102. Go to a petting zoo 103. Watch the sunset on the beach104. Drive a speed boat 105. Witness a lunar or solar eclipse 2008106. Eat duck 2012107. Learn yoga 2012108. Start meditating 2012109. Get a tattoo first one: angel wings when I was 19110. Go to Paris 2010111. See Shamu at Sea World 112. Be on a TV show 2011 BET’s “The Game”113. Go tubing 114. Get a master’s degree 115. Go to Miami 116. Sing karaoke117. Go camping118. Ride a mechanical bull119. Go to the Louvre 120. See an ancient Greek god’s temple 121. Save an animal 122. Pet a dolphin 123. See a panda 124. Fly on a plane 125. See Broadway’s Cats
1. Learn to play guitar
2. Go to a hockey game
3. Stay in a cottage in Ireland
4. See the Hollywood sign
5. Write a book
6. See the pyramids in Egypt
7. Eat gelato in Italy
8. Go to Time Square at New Year’s
9. Learn to confidently drive a stick shift car
10. Be on Family Feud
11. Gamble at a casino
12. Message in a bottle
13. Go to Mall of America
14. Do a pinup photo shoot
15. Ride in a helicopter
16. Visit all 50 states
17. Go on the Jaws ride at Universal Studios
18. Go to a monster truck show
19. Go to Mount Rushmore
20. Paint a picture
21. Go on an undetermined road trip..just get in the car and drive
22. Stay in the haunted Colonial Inn in Massachusetts...shown on Ghost Hunters
23. See the mystery GA stones
24. Grow a tulip
25. Learn to do a real pushup, not the girly kind
26. Go mattress surfing down a flight of stairs
27. Go to Disneyland
28. See a celebrity’s house
29. Get a spray tan, just because
30. Get laser hair removal on my legs
31. Visit an Amish or pioneer town
32. Join a church
33. Take pictures with the Hollywood sidewalk stars
34. Lead a charity organization or drive
35. Go to Venice
36. Share my abuse story and help someone
37. See Lion King: the Broadway show
38. Go to a ballet
39. Go to the circus
40. See Cirque du Soleil
41. Take my nephews to a theme park
42. See a Picasso exhibit
43. Create and maintain a blog with at least 100 readers
44. Teach at a university
45. Get my PhD
46. Got to a small Mexican village
47. See the Great Wall in China
48. See a bull fight or run in Spain
49. See a kangaroo in Australia
50. Go on a safari ride
51. See the Northern Lights
52. Volunteer with children
53. Go to a shooting range
54. Play paintball
55. Be in the audience of a taping of a talk show
56. Visit Germany and meet my family that lives there
57. Have a quilt made of all my old t-shirts to pass down in my family
58. Go on a spiritual mission
59. Go to a German festival
60. See a meteor shower
61. See the Statue of Liberty
62. Go to a wax museum
63. Go to a pottery making place
64. Go to a wine tasting
65. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
66. Shop on Rodeo Drive
67. Have a child or adopt
68. Go whale watching
69. Eat escargot
bucket list
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