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Thursday, May 25, 2017

ER Visit: Nothing New

I'm at the ER for the first time since December 2016. I've been having increasing pain in my right side. Originally, I went to urgent care because I figured it was a flare up and i didnt feel like the ER wait. But it was too late in the day for them to do imaging so the doctor there urged me to go to the ER...even called ahead and sent notes.

5 hours later, I was finally given pain meds. He gave me Nubain, which I have never had before. Have any of you ever heard of it?? Now that he says he's suspecting a flare up, I'm just waiting for discharge. You all know how pain management is for dose isnt going to do any good but asking for more makes us look bad. Smh. I hate going to the ER for this very reason. I would rather sit at home and suffer than be made to feel bad because I asked for something for the pain. I mean really...look at my medical history! You can clearly see I'm not an addict, I'm actually sick!

Sorry! Rant over!! Lol

Being prescribed more steroids. Even though i dont think theyll help the crohns, I have some respiratory issues going on too so I think they'll help there.

Will update you all soon!