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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Back Pain ER Trip

So i started having these severe, sharp pains in my back around my kidney and in my abdomen just below my ribs. It was hurting so bad, i couldn't sleep.

As much as i didnt want to, at 3:30am i caved and came to the er. I prayed on my way it wouldnt be a long wait or else i was going home and suffering through the pain. But God answered my prayer and there was no one in the waiting room.

They gave me fluids, pain meds and nausea meds to help..and they definitely did help. The doctor ordered blood work, urine tests and a ct scan of my kidneys.

All the tests came back great. Even though i suggested it may be my arthritis, the doctor feels its more likely a crohn's flare.

He gave me pain meds to go and is starting me in prednisone...yay, moon face will be back...😑😑😑

Praying my rheumatologist can get me on meds for my back and hoping my GI will figure out my flare (I have an MRI on December 10 and a cold in January).

I should be discharged in like 15min. Im ready to go home and sleep now!!