My Pages

Friday, April 24, 2015

Waiting for an appointment

My dr appointment isnt for another few weeks which sucks bc my flare isnt getting any better and im out of all the meds that help and they wont call any in. Im so frustrated.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Still in a flare

Still not feeling great. Can barely eat and what I do doesnt stay in me long at all. Thought I had a gi appointment this month but its not until may 14 ugh. Really ready to get on some new meds and get this over before its worse.

I still cant sleep and my dr keeps trying me on different sleep meds. They just dont work. Idk what to do. Ive been taking my muscle relaxers to sleep but im almost out and I have to take several throughout the night to keep going back to sleep. Very frustrating! !