Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 is Here

Happy new year everyone! I decided to put my resolution list on my blog so maybe a few of you can hold me accountable lol so here it goes!

1) Start exercising
2) Lose a minimum of 20 lbs
3) Never let anyone make me feel less than I deserve
4) Redo my bathroom
5) Quit drinking energy drinks and sodas
6) Spend more time with family
7) Upgrade my jewelry line
8) Do mission work
9) Learn something new
10) Do a good deed at least once a day

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Home Remedies Part I

Here are some remedies for all kinds of things! Hope they help and ill post more as I find them!

Home Remedies for Bruises

I found a few home remedies for helping with the discoloration of bruises. Anything from vinegar to coconut oil to onions to teabags!  Here are a few below! If you know of amy, please let us all know! My next post will be of home remedies for other issues we may have!

Prednisone Side Effects

As I mentioned in my previous post, I have some unusual bruising up and down my legs and Im on a course of prednisone so I thought I would post some side effect information I found online!  Now this is from a lupus website,  the side effects are for prednisone and encompass its effects on anyone, not just lupus patients.

Side-effects of Prednisone

Short term side-effects

Each patient reacts differently to the drug, that only a high dose of prednisone will cause major side-effects and that a high dose has to be continued for several weeks before these side-effects will occur.

Most importantly, these side-effects are reversible; they will go away when the dose is decreased or when the drug is stopped. Always remember that the beneficial (good) effect of prednisone cannot be separated from the onset of at least some of these side-effects. Therefore, your swollen cheeks, the hump on your back or the bloating of your abdomen should be interpreted as evidence that the medication is active and is working for you. If you're living through these unpleasant side-effects, you have to think that the bottom line is - this drug is helping me. The short term unwanted effects of prednisone are:

Swelling of the face, often referred to as "moon face" or "chipmunk cheeks"; some patients feel ugly and say that they do not recognize themselves in the mirror. Remember, these changes are reversible.A hump on the upper part of the back; this hump is made of fat, not bone.Bloating or swelling of the abdomen.Weight gain; prednisone may cause a great increase in appetite. Weight gain can be controlled by a low calorie diet, by exercise and by avoidance of salt. Avoid salty foods and do not add any salt.Stomach problems; to ease the burning, try taking prednisone with food. This problem may require anti-ulcer medication.Mood changes; sometimes the change is for the better. However, depression may be made worse by prednisone.Insomnia; patients may have difficulty sleeping at nights.Shakiness; patients may have feelings of being "hyper: or that "things are running fast inside my head".Weakness of the thigh muscles; patients may have difficulty in climbing stairs, getting out of the bath or getting up from a chair or toilet seat.Interruption of the menstrual cycle; periods may stop altogether.Increased risk of infections; patients may have more infections including some caused by germs that the body is normally resistant to.

As the dose of prednisone is decreased and then stopped, these side-effects will disappear. However, as the dose is being tapered or decreased, patients may experience symptoms of withdrawal such as joint pain or fatigue. The body usually adapts to the new dose within a few days and these symptoms will disappear. However, if the fatigue and pain persist, it is important to bring this to the attention of the physician, as this may indicate adrenal insufficiency.

Long term side-effects

These side-effects may occur when prednisone has been decreased to a low dose and only occur when prednisone has been used for a long time. In many patients, these side-effects can be reduced by appropriate prevention. The long term side-effects are:

Easy bruising of the skin; bruising from prednisone use often happens without any obvious injury and may require that blood clotting ability be checked by the physician. When prednisone is the cause of the bruising, blood clotting will be normal. This easy bruising disappears when prednisone is stopped and is not associated with any risk of internal bleeding.Stretch marks; these may occur on the upper body, the arms, the abdomen and the thighs. Some patients have this problem while others do not. Unfortunately, there is no treatment and the marks are permanent.Excessive growth of body hair; this hair growth usually appears on the face and will stop when prednisone is decreased. The hair that has grown will tend to stay but it can be effectively removed by using a hair-removal cream.Cataracts; these are a cloudiness of the lens of the eyes that cause a decrease in vision. Occasionally, surgery may be required.Osteonecrosis; this condition means "dead bone" and most frequently affects a bone in the hip joint called the femur (other bones may be involved as well). Osteonecrosis is becoming a more important cause of pain and disability in lupus patients. If this problem is found early, worsening of the process may be prevented by performing a surgical procedure. In many patients, the damage caused by osteonecrosis eventually comes to a stop. In some patients, where damage to the bone has been severe, an artificial joint may be needed.Osteoporosis; this results from a loss of calcium from the bones and often leads to fractures, particularly in the spine. These may be a major cause of pain and disability. However, this process is at least partly reversible if prednisone can be stopped. If prednisone must be continued, this side effect may be decreased by exercise, by eating foods rich in calcium and by taking extra calcium and vitamin D as prescribed by your physician. These preventive measures should be started as soon as a high prednisone dose is begun.Heart attacks; several factors (including smoking, high blood pressure and high blood sugar) combined with long term prednisone treatment may lead to a narrowing of the blood vessels of the heart and early heart attacks. This risk can be decreased by maintaining a reasonable weight, controlling blood pressure and, most importantly, not smoking.Other unwanted effects

Physicians who prescribe prednisone always give careful instructions as to how it should be taken. Over the years, I still find it remarkable how often, in spite of these careful explanations, some patients tend to change their dose and/or their schedule without talking to their physician. A patient, the mother of three young children, took all her prednisone dose at bedtime instead of twice daily as I had prescribed. She was so busy getting the kids ready for school that she regularly forgot her morning dose. Patients must understand there is a good reason for the instructions their physician gives them. Patients are instructednever to take all their daily prednisone at night because it will cause more side-effects. However, it is usual to split the dose (for example, half with breakfast and half with supper).

What should you do if you forget a dose of prednisone? Nobody is perfect. If you have missed a dose, simply take it as soon as you think about it. Don't wait until tomorrow.

Patients who take prednisone may find this long list of side-effects overwhelming. It is important to remember that no physician ever prescribes prednisone unless it is needed, that prednisone is often the most important tool in the fight against lupus and that the physician always tries to keep any side-effects to a minimum. The patient must keep in mind - this drug is helping me.


Bruises! Ahhh!

So I woke up covered in bruises and no clue why!! Someone said prednisone can cause it so I wanted to give you all a heads up. If you're on prednisone and start seeing unusual bruising, that may be why! I posted pics below of my legs!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Pneumonia Update

This cough medicine is weird.  It's making me so drowsy and I can't keep my eyes open but at the same time im not sleeping! Its helping with the cough of course, even though im coughing a little more today than the last few days. But im almost out :( hope I wont need much more of it! However, I do feel 10x better with meds in my system! My head isnt throbbing from the pressure of coughing. My throat isnt sore and my chest isnt hurting so im fine with that!

I had a great Christmas with my family!  I am truly blessed! :)
Im posting a few pics below of my day..and one of my walking dead blanket that Lady insisted on making her bed with lol

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Crohn's Update

I forgot to post after my colonoscopy Friday. They said no active crohns! I do have narrowing still in my intestines and they did biopsies on the polyps and have to wait for that result. Also on a short course of steroids but NO ACTIVE CROHN'S! ! Woo hoo!

Went to my PCP Tuesday about this cough. She said early pneumonia. .yep never going back to urgent care. My oncologist is right, they don't look at my medical history and they dont take the right precautions.  But im on antibiotics and prescription cough syrup...which is supposed to make me sleepy but is keeping me wide awake instead!

Well, with that said,  MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Still coughing

I should have listened to my oncologist.  The urgent care tested me for strep and the flu.  I tested negative so they didnt check for any kind of bacterial infection and said its probably viral and just to take some Sudafed.  The doctor didnt give me anything.  My oncologist did say not to go to them because they wouldn't take the precautions they're supposed to with me. If I'm still sick Friday, ill tell my gi.

Cough and Cold

I've had a runny nose and cough for about 3 days but today was the worst so I'm at urgent care. .even thought oncologist said to only use the er and my family dr where they have my records.  Cant wait forever with them. There's something going around so im sure thats what it us and like everyone in this waiting room is here for the same reason. My only concern is with my asthma and already having a hard time breathing,  I might not be able to breath when im sedated Friday. So im going to take care of this sooner rather than later. ..update you with answers soon!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Loving My Life

I just want to say what a blessing my life is. I am truly happy. I have amazing friends and a wonderful family and I couldn't ask for more! God is good! :)

I'm getting tests done to check on my Crohn's this week. But hopefully since mu symptoms have decreased,  there won't be much to find out!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Making Space

I recently experienced a break up from my off and on boyfriend of 5 years and fiance of 6 months.  I thought I would be sick from the stress of the breakup but honestly I was sicker from the stress of the relationship. He's not a bad person inside and I'm not going to bad talk him, but the relationship was toxic and being with him put me in a low place with little confidence in myself and I felt distanced from who I want to be. As hard as it was to let go, I needed to make that space in my life for God and my family and to allow positive things to come in.

Fortunately,  I have experienced a significant decrease in my Crohn's symptoms since he left. I've been enjoying some much needed time with my family and close friends.  I'm incredibly grateful for all of their support!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Information on Crohn’s and Stress

Improve Your Lifestyle

Getting adequate exercise, eating a healthy diet, and kicking any tobacco habits can make the symptoms of Crohn’s disease easier to handle. Because Crohn’s can make nutrient absorption difficult, it’s also important to get adequate doses of vitamins and nutrients to make up for any lost due to malabsorption.

Stress and anxiety can also make the symptoms of Crohn’s disease worse. Stress can also trigger flare-ups. When you have an increased level of stress, your body’s normal processes can’t run properly. This includes your digestive tract. Stress can trigger symptoms or make existing ones worse. Finding a healthy way to handle daily stress, whether it’s through exercise, yoga, or talk therapy, is vitally important to increasing the number of days you’re in remission and symptom-free.

Quitting Smoking with Crohn’s

Crohn’s patients who smoke put themselves in jeopardy for increasing the severity of their symptoms.

Resource :