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Monday, September 9, 2013

Sorry For My Long Break

Hey guys! Wow! I am so so sorry for not updating in forever!

My Crohns is currently flaring but not bad. I go to Chicago for my one year followup in November so we will see more on how thats doing!

It has been confirmed I have fybromyalgia  and its so severe theres not much they can do for me. Im trying muscle relaxers now and they help a little.

Still battling insomnia regularly and am having bad luck with my osteopenia. AlsoIve had a cough since February so Im seeing a pulmonary disease doctor Wednesday..say some prayers! Im also starting with a nee therapist today for my anxiety, eating disorders, self harming, and ptsd issues.

Lets see...guess thats all for now! Will update again this week!!!

Love all my supporters. Thank you and God Bless! I hope each of you is blessed as much as I have been!