My Pages

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

7 months post transplant already!

Im still having bad daily migraines. Im taking a headache prevention med daily but still getting them at least once a day :( Im calling my PCP tomorrow about it. My cmv lab came back negative finally! So yay for that! I will go off the valcyte now and back on acyclovir. Hemoglobin is still low and Im seeing it..aka bruises galore! My body wrap helped me instantly lose an inch and a half in my waist alone and 2% of my body fat! How cool?! Plus it helped tremendously with my arthritis pains!! Now i just need a solution for my abdomenal cramping..which isn't constant or completely unbearable but it does hurt really bad. Except Im not entirely sure if it's crohns related or female related..very frustrating. I have 5 more body wrap treatments with my next one on Thursday. So maybe those will help with my pain too. They also detox you so that'll be a nice benefit as well. If any of you want more info about them, let me know and ill tell you all i know. I definitely recommend them even if you're not in it to lose fat cells. They work wonders for joint pains and back pains too. They're hot as everything and you sweat alot but its worth it to feel that good after it. I actually felt better than after a full body massage haha My diarrhea is getting better but you know how it is...good days, bad days, worse days. At least now Im having only good and bad days instead of bad and worse days! God is good

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Spring is here and Im dying to get out and enjoy it

Been feeling sick the last few days. Nausea. can barely hold food down. But i think there's just aminor bug going around so... Plus my white count is only 2.1 right now  and my hemoglobin has dropped to 9.9 again. Which isn't too bad for me but still low.Also my hair has stopped growing. I only shave like once every couple of weeks and its still just stubble. Plus my eyelashes are breaking again too. Just like after chemotherapy. Does anyone know what could be happening?? I told my GI, my PCP, Dr Burt and my ob gyn but none of them have checked any of my hormone levels or anything. I mean i don't mind it but it not normal so of course it concerns me. I asked my gyno to check my hormones so see if Im experiencing early menopause from the chemo but he said We could check now but lets wait a year or two! Im like what!? Im 26! Its time for me to know if Im able to have kids!! So needless to say Im seeing a new dr. Plus come to find out, my mom saw him too and he's known for not taking patient concerns seriously and missing things. Wish i knew this prior to my visit! Like i need extra bills! Lol

Saturday, April 6, 2013

crohns and birth control

Im over the pneumonia except a cough. I just found out that birth control pulls may not be as effective in patients with crohns because of the absorption issues. I switched to the patch but am changing to the depo shot next week. Regardless of my sex life or lack there of lol i want to be careful because a pregnancy could trigger a flare and i can't risk that right now. Or ever really. Ive been through too much. But with Gods good grace and love i will get back to being normal soon enough! :)

6 month follow up complete

My colonoscopy showed several pseudo polyps. This is because i was so severely ill and this is my bodys reaction to healing itself. They shouldn't be cancerous however they do show signs that it is very likely i will develop colon cancer at some point in the next 15 years or so. Dr Barrett (GI) in Chicago is moving to work at the university of Kentucky. He is adamant about taking care of me and doing cutting edge blue dye cancer screenings every year or more. So i will be going to see him in Kentucky from now on. I don't mind. He's an incredible doctor.Dr Burt however infuriated me. I haven't spoken to him in 6 months and he literally spent my entire visit with his hand on the doorknob trying to rush me out because i was his last patient of the day...after i already came in an hour early! and he told me not tp worry about my arthritis, it'll go away! Wow. So Im supposed to suffer in the mean time?? And he told Mr not to worry about my ulcers in my colon...they'll go away on their own!...what?!? Needless to say he called me back the next day and decided to take the advice of Dr Barrett and put me on a short course of Uceris, a mild asteroid with few side effects.