I was discharged oct 26, 2011. i was not prepared at all for what i had to deal with when i got out. the fluid retention felt like i was carrying a 20 lb baby that hated me. i still haven't dropped the weight but my size has gone down some and after two trips to the ER i found pain medication that is helping me manage. I had a hard time with my heart rate skyrocketing..still am. i'm back at the hospital now. about 10 days ago i lost my appetite again and the nausea and vomiting came back. thats when i came here..4 days ago.
the doctors and nurses are having a difficult time professionally i feel because they see a young smiling girl and my tests results keep coming back ok so the symptoms i'm complaining of aren't adding up to them. However, after speaking to my personal GI doc, they've resolved that issue. the inflammation of my colon has gone down a little, however there is still alot of blockage causing pain in my abdomen. The infection i had a few weeks ago is now testing negative. the upper endoscopy showed my reflux has resurfaced and there is inflammation of my esophogas and the acids in my stomach may be intensifying the infection's symptoms.
they were going to put me on TPN again, but to save from a new picc line and the pain of all the fluid retention, i requested we wait, change my food, and try seeing if i can hold it down. so far i had eggs and grits for breakfast...all stayed down. i had plain noodles, chicken noodle soup, saltines and ice cream for lunch...i think that proved to be a little to much and the ice cream didn't stay with me...but i'm building back an appetite, which is good.
they have decided to send me home on adavan (im not sure how to spell it) which will help with some anxiety but also treats nausea. i'm also going to be taking ambien since ive stopped sleeping again. my steroids will also be upped so no weight loss for a while like i'd hoped...i just really gotta watch it!
just a month left until chicago..i hope they can help me, i'm ready for a real life again...this has become too normal and that worries me..will i have a hard time adjusting to regular life again?